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Click here for Rich's proven and tested wooden surfboard plans of how this new site works. But whatever you do "Be cool and share the stoke"
To purchase Strip & Feather templates of Rich Blundell's tested and proven surfboard designs click here. Each template costs $20 emailed to the address you use for PayPal transactions.
Tree to Sea Planting Fund
For more information on building your own wooden surfboard visit the "Tree to Sea" HWS Builders Forum THANKS!My Links
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A word about Photos: This GS News page is meant to be a workin mans blog, so the photos are sometimes just taken with a cell phone camera. For the creamy photos, check out our GSb Photo Gallery.
It's a ruler, a piece of green paper, and some dots - duh.
Cedar tree seeds you promised to plant for every surfboard made?
Quaker puffed Rice without the milk?
Cedar tree seeds with a piece of green paper and a ruler ya idiot... what do i win?
termites ? ;)
tree seed, I think to, probably cedar, 'cause I not sure balsawood will grow in your climate
OATS. Neigh!
Could it be Doe doo?
rabbit droppings.
Main Entry: dee
Pronunciation: 'dE
Function: noun
1 : the letter d
2 : something shaped like the letter D
When do we see the answer. When do you plan to update the blog?
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