Sunday, April 30, 2006

Winds of change

As I write these words, a low-pressure system is churning its way up the North Atlantic latitudes. Under an ominous sky, strong winds offshore whip the Gulfstream into a fury of confused seas. All of us ashore can feel grateful that we are not in a small boat at sea.

But in the context of a huge ocean, all storms are local and ephemeral. Time and fetch sort out the chaos and mellow the drama. Within a day or two, things will be different. Here on the coast of New England, we’ll enjoy warm sunny skies, light offshore breezes, and clean green trains of swell.

And so it is too, that the winds of change have arrived at the shores of GSb.

Over the past few months, it has become clear that Mike and I have tended to gravitate toward different aspects of the business. So, we’ve come to an amicable agreement to separate our efforts. We’ve decided it would be best if Mike focused solely on building and selling custom boards, while I direct my energies only toward developing kits, plans, and instructional media for the home board-builder. We feel this agreement best fulfils both of our common desires for the future of Grain Surfboards and frees each of us to get back to work doing what we love.

This site ( will continue to be a point source for wooden surfboard enthusiasts. The homepage will serve as a portal through which both buyer, and builder can access what they want. So keep checking in during the coming weeks for more good news.

One thing is certainly clear; both Mike and I care deeply about wooden surfboards and the supportive community that has sprung to life. To maintain all of the stoke it deserves, I intend to enthusiastically promote and encourage Mike’s side of the business. I will now direct all potential board buyers to him (please email Mike directly for all new board orders). I also genuinely believe we will each do our best to keep the spirit of GSb alive and well. We are pretty psyched on the shape of things now... and to come.

In the meantime, I think it best to try and capitalize on some of the current offshore ocean fury. The buoys are reporting 10’-15’ groundswell now making its way in orderly succession westward. If the timing is right, I hope a few of those waves have my name on them. Mikey, I hope to see you in the lineup too.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

GSb on TV

GSb is featured on a short spot airing every couple of hours on CurrentTV (Al Gore's venture into democratizing television).

Click above to watch it.

Personally, I'm pretty stoked that they are promoting the "green" side of things.

The piece was produced by Andrew Chapman of AC Imagery.

Let us know what you think.

Friday, April 21, 2006

A Festivus for the restivus

According to their website, "Vermont Family Forests is a non-profit family forest conservation organization that promotes the conservation of forest community health, and when appropriate, promotes careful cultivation of local family forests for community benefits... VFF promotes management which provides for human needs while preserving the forest's capacity to maintain itself as a healthy, natural ecosystem."

Next week they are holding their 3rd annual Beltane Community Forest Festival.

"Come all ye lads and lassies, join in the festive scene.
Come dance around the maypole, that will stand upon the green."

Not sure I'll dance around the maypole, but this sounds like the kind of party for a tree hugger like me. See you there...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A 4/20 APB

Calling all "beta" builders: Please check in to GSb HQ via email for further instructions (you know who you are).

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Zoo in York

No not York Zoo.

For the past few weeks, pro surfer Ben McBrien has been gracing our basement workshop in York, ME. He surfs for Zoo York Institute, one of the oldest and most soulful skate/surf companies in the world.

Ben and I sat down and designed a Steve Lis inspired 5'4" fish. Now he's building two of them pretty much on his own using the GSb method. Not only can the guy rip water, he's can re-saw wood.

Stay tuned for the christening this spring.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sharing the stoke

A few weeks ago I got a call from a guy named Kevin. He was very interested in trying to build his own surfboard using the GSb technique. Turns out he lives right down the street (as he says, within a mile "as the crow flies"). He came to the shop a couple of times, we exchanged ideas, and then he set off to build himself a ten-footer. Today I visited him in his shop just to catch up.
Your board looks awesome Kevin, thanks for sharing the stoke!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

GSb on NPR

National Public Radio's "Only a Game" recently did a short story on us. Ferret around on the Only A Game website for pics, to listen, or find out when OAG airs on your local NPR station. Although in some ways I wish it was, this is not an April fools joke.

Surfs up so you know where to find us...
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